turned upside down. As I'm part-time I thought I'd take the full timers some treats in on a long shift.
Previously I've taken in my butterscotch blondies. This is inspired by that tray bake with a carrot cake twist.
Butterscotch Brownies
200g white chocolate
75g unsalted butter
3 eggs
175g light muscavado sugar
175g self-raising flour
50g walnuts, chopped
1 cup grated carrot
zest of 2 oranges
1tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
5ml vanilla extract
1 Preheat the oven to 160c or GM4. Line the base of a 28 x 18cm tin with baking paper.
2 Melt 100g of the white chocolate with the butter and sugar. Leave to cool slightly.
3 Beat the eggs, then whisk in the melted chocolate mixture.
4 Sift in the flour and gently fold in along with the carrots, zest, nuts, spices, vanilla extract and the remaining chocolate (I like to keep them chopped chunky). Try not to over mix.
5 Spread the mixture out in the tin and bake for 30 minutes, until risen and golden brown. The centre should be firm to touch but will be slightly soft until it cools down.
6 Leave to cool in the tin, then cut into 12 bars when completely cool.
(apologies for the lacklustre picture, I took this on my blackberry in the office)
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