200g macaroni
Fry Light
2 medium courgettes, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, chopped
8 large eggs, lightly beaten
100g baby spinach
84g reduced mature cheese, grated
125g pack cherry tomatoes, halved
1. Boil the pasta. Meanwhile heat grill to medium. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat, spray with Fry Light. Add courgette and garlic, cook for 5 mins stirring until tender.
2. Drain pasta, mix with egg, spinach and cheese. Season well. Add more Fry Light, pour in egg mix over the courgettes, scatter tomatoes on top. Cook for 5-7 mins, pulling sides in until almost set.
4. Put pan under the grill for 3-4 mins until golden and set.
Fry Light
2 medium courgettes, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, chopped
8 large eggs, lightly beaten
100g baby spinach
84g reduced mature cheese, grated
125g pack cherry tomatoes, halved
1. Boil the pasta. Meanwhile heat grill to medium. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat, spray with Fry Light. Add courgette and garlic, cook for 5 mins stirring until tender.
2. Drain pasta, mix with egg, spinach and cheese. Season well. Add more Fry Light, pour in egg mix over the courgettes, scatter tomatoes on top. Cook for 5-7 mins, pulling sides in until almost set.
4. Put pan under the grill for 3-4 mins until golden and set.
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