Cheese & Broccoli Omelette

It's been a long time since my last post. A few things have happened and a  few things have changed too.
I have left Slimming World as a member as I was starting to get obsessed and it directly affected my mood and my day-to-day life.
So, what do I do now? I'm eating cleaner, apart from my ongoing love affair with chocolate. It's now about portion control and real food.
This morning I had this for breakfast. It would also work as a quick lunch or dinner/tea too.
Cheese & Broccoli Omelette
2 eggs, beaten
2 florets of steamed broccoli
15g strong Cheddar cheese
Spray olive oil.
In my multi chef cooker, I sprayed one half with 2 squirts of olive oil, in the other I added some water to steam the asparagus I had on the side.
When my beloved gadget hits its heat I added a layer of egg, then the broccoli and the rest of the egg. Topped the mixture off with the grated cheese.
I added my fresh asparagus and closed the lid. After about 5mins the omelette will be all puffed up and golden.  The asparagus will also be just right.
Crack lots of black pepper over the top.  Enjoy.
