Sunshine Potatoes

Serves 2

Green Day or Extra Easy

400g medium potatoes, diced
Fry Light
1 Yellow pepper, diced
1 onion, diced
1/2 x 30g pack of fajita seasoning mix
2 medium eggs
Parsley, to garnish

1. Boil up the potatoes until tender, drain.

2. In the meantime, heat up a shallow pan sprayed with Fry Light and fry the onion and pepper until soft.

3. Add the fajita seasoning along with 4 tbsp of water. Stir in the potatoes and fry for a further minute.

4. Transfer to a heatproof serving dish, make 2 hoolows in the mixture and chrack in the eggs. Place under a hot grill until the eggs are cooked to your liking. Garnish and serve.

This also is fab with leftover shredded chicken or bacon and a sprinkling of cheese too. A quick cheap filling meal.

Please note my picture doesn't have the parsley as The Husband isn't keen.
